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December 18 , 2009

Greetings workers of the world! As you know, I just re-send the best joke(s) I get from the emails I gather from people all over the world. Then I add my own original drawings (which I create on the spot as I put this email together) to give it a personal touch. Most of the time I create this a few hours before Thursday midnight so if you catch a few typos, please forgive my tired mind and fingers. If this is your first time to receive this, welcome to a new and (hopefully) entertaining addiction.

Hectic Christmas week. Just arrived from a Christmas party. Rushing like mad. Good thing I have a lot of good choices so it didn't take me nearly as long to decide on the winners. It's busy but it's fun at the same time.

Thanks to Garie of Makati, Jeff of Arcadia, Cheryl of Arcadia, Mike of New York, Don of Kewlona, B.C, Laura of Pasadena, Marilyn and Pamela of Arcadia. It's a week from Christmas folks. Why not give your friends the gift of Funny Fridays? Subscribe them to Raoul's TGIF Jokes.

From Garie of Makati. Philippines
TGIF Wisdom:

Words of Wisdom

A man who sits on tack gets point and will surely rise.

Be sure to send me your favorite jokes. The newer the better. If it makes me laugh it could be among the TGIF Jokes of the week.

TGIF people!

Grizzly Research
sent by Jeff of Arcadia, CA

A Russian Zoologist and Czechoslovakian Zoologist were doing research on grizzly bears. They sought a visa to come to the United States and do some first hand observations, but were thwarted by the US government. Finally after five years of string pulling they received a one month visa to do their study.

Upon arrival at Yellowstone, the rangers greeted them and advised them that they should return in six weeks to do their research. The rangers explained that the bears were just now coming out of hibernation, it was mating time and the bears were testy, ornery and aggressive, it just wouldn't be wise to go into the field now.

The scientist explained to them that it took five years to get their visa, they only had a month, they might never be able to return again, six weeks was just out of the question.

The rangers realized there was no convincing them, so they gave them a cell phone with instructions about calling in every morning and evening.

Things were fine until the 9th day. There was no morning call. The rangers couldn't reach them all day and there was no evening call. Early the following morning a group of rangers and scouts headed out into the area where they were to be camping.

The camp was a disaster. Most everything was shred, destroyed and scattered. It looked like a real struggle. The scientists were no where to be found and only bear tracks, a male and female, were found leaving the camp. After a day and a half of tracking, they caught up with the female bear. She still had clothing stuck to her teeth hanging out the side of her mouth.

They shot the bear. They cut her open and found the evidences of the Russian in her stomach. They all looked at each other knowing the worst. Finally, the lead ranger verbalized what they were all thinking ... the Czech is in the male!

Captain Hook
sent by Jeff of Arcadia

Question: Why did Captain Hook cross the road?

Answer: To get to the second hand store.

Beautiful Message About Getting Old
sent by Cheryl of Arcadia, CA

Here's a beautiful message about getting old.


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Rats I forgot what it was.

Videos of the week:

Car Ad in Scotland
sent by Mike o New York

Why Scotland of all places to make a car ad you ask. Watch the video and it'll make sense. It's a quickie.

Doggy Christmas
sent by Don of Kewlona, BC

Dog lovers, this is for you. How would you like to have these dogs decorate for you?


The Muppets: Carol of the Bells
sent by Laua of Pasadena, CA

Wanna feel like a kid again? Aw c'mon. It's Christmas season. You're allowed to regress a couple of years.

After I watched the video I looked around and saw this other gem: The Muppets Singing Bohemian Rhapsody

Chin Puppet Christmas
sent by Marilyn and Pamela of Pasadena, CA

"Type in any Christmas song and see what the little puppets do. Also, type in any non-Christmas song (I typed in Happy Birthday) and you'll get a kick out of the response. One of the funniest I typed in was Jingle Bell Rock... they forget the words half way through."

Give us a sense of humor, Lord. Give us the grace to see a joke,
To get some humor out of life. And pass it on to other folk

submitted by Sylvia of Virginia

WYNK Marketing All original drawings by Raoul Pascual. © All Rights Reserved. 2009. This website is designed and maintained by WYNK Marketing. Address all technical issues to support@wynkmarketing.com

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