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December 25 , 2009

Greetings workers of the world! As you know, I just re-send the best joke(s) I get from the emails I gather from people all over the world. Then I add my own original drawings (which I create on the spot as I put this email together) to give it a personal touch. Most of the time I create this a few hours before Thursday midnight so if you catch a few typos, please forgive my tired mind and fingers. If this is your first time to receive this, welcome to a new and (hopefully) entertaining addiction.

A very Merry Christmas to you TGIF Joke fans! I hope all your expectations have been met. If not, you're probably not alone. Many set themselves up for disaster because they set the bar too high. Ask yourself if you were to set it a little lower would life be better? Now look around you. See the many blessings you've been taking for granted? Feel better now? God is good, isn't he?

Thanks to Francisco of Fullerton, Judy of Covina, Mike of NYC, Terry of Santa Monica, and Don of Kewlona.

Hug your love ones and then hug them one more time for me. Tell them the guy who brings you your Friday laughs wishes them a Merry Christmas too.

From Francisco of Fullerton, CA
TGIF Wisdom:

Words of Wisdom

God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

Be sure to send me your favorite jokes. The newer the better. If it makes me laugh it could be among the TGIF Jokes of the week. Why not give your friends the gift of Funny Fridays? Subscribe them to Raoul's TGIF Jokes.

TGIF people!

Careful who you give a GPS for Christmas
sent by Judy of Covina, CA

What do you get when you mix PMS with GPS?

A raving lunatic who WILL find you!

Christmas Trivia Test
sent by Mike of New York

If you have time, this will separate Christmas truth from Christmas legend.

Videos of the week:

Autistic Basketball Manager
sent by Terry of Santa Monica, CA

I think I showed this a while back but I still got teary eyed when I saw this again. If this doesn't touch you ... you should be nominated for the Scrooge of the season.

Our expectations of others have stiffled so many dreams. I recently heard a fascinating interview in a radio program, Focus on the Family about how we are doing this to out teenagers. The title of the talk is Challenging Teens to Rise Above. Don't worry, it isn't political. Just a window to a paradigm shift on how we should view kids.

Sand Drawing
sent by Terry of Santa Monica, CA

Through the swishing of sand, this French artist dramatically weaves a touching story about the ravages of war.

Turkey Festival
sent by Don of Kewlona, BC

Thanksgiving is past but we're still officially in the "smorgasbord season." This video is about a popular Fall delicacy that sounds deliciously funny.

Give us a sense of humor, Lord. Give us the grace to see a joke,
To get some humor out of life. And pass it on to other folk

submitted by Sylvia of Virginia

WYNK Marketing All original drawings by Raoul Pascual. © All Rights Reserved. 2009. This website is designed and maintained by WYNK Marketing. Address all technical issues to support@wynkmarketing.com

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